Olympic medalists of the modern Summer Olympic Games 1896-2020

Selecetd statistics of the Olympic medalists

Number of aworded olympic medals according selected criteria.

    » The number of medals awarded in individual olympic games
    » The number of medals awarded in individual sport events
    » The number of medals awarded in individual olympic games by gender
    » The number of countries that have won a medal in a given sports
    » Top summer olympic medalists (8 and more medals together)
    » Top summer olympic medalists (8 and more gold medals)
    » Top 30 countries according to the number of aworded medals

The number of medals awarded in individual olympic games

The number of medals awarded in individual sport events

The number of medals awarded in individual olympic games by gender

The number of countries that have won a medal in a given sport

Top summer olympic medalists (8 and more medals together)

Top summer olympic medalists (6 and more gold medals)

Top 30 countries according to the number of aworded medals

This is supporting web page for a paper named "OLYMPIC MEDALISTS OF THE MODERN SUMMER OLYMPIC GAMES 1896-2016"