Olympic medalists of the modern Summer Olympic Games 1896-2020

Chord diagrams

A chord diagram represents relationship between countries (medalists) and sport events. The size of the arc is proportional to the number of medal holders in a given sport event. We can identify the number of medalists from individual countries, as well as the number of medals awarded in individual sport events.

All medals

The diagram presents the number of all medals awarded in sport events for individual coutries

» show chord diagram

Gold medals

The diagram presents the number of gold medals awarded in sport events for individual coutries

» show chord diagram

Silver medals

The diagram presents the number of silver medals awarded in sport events for individual coutries

» show chord diagram

Bronze medals

The diagram presents the number of bronze medals awarded in sport events for individual coutries

» show chord diagram

This is supporting web page for a paper named "OLYMPIC MEDALISTS OF THE MODERN SUMMER OLYMPIC GAMES 1896-2016"