Home page
This site was created as a graphical interface for creating thematic maps in Google Earth. Selected variables can be displayed on the territory of districts and regions of the SR, as well as whole Slovak republic.
Data on this page are from official population and housing cenzus in 2001. They can be displayed by three basic methods of thematic mapping - pie charts, cartogram and graduated symbol.
Individual data are stored in MySQL database. Communication with the database provides PHP language, whose output is after sending particular form, Map presentation of selected objects and chosen indicator in KML (Keyhole Markup Language) format.
After filling the form data are transmitted in KML format to the client, so it is necessary to have installed Google Earth program on your computer for their correct displaying.

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© Vladimír Bačík |
Department of Human Geography and Demogeography |
Faculty of Natural Sciences |
Comenius University Bratislava |