Olympic medalists of the modern Summer Olympic Games 1896-2020


This page includes also results of the latest Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo, which was held in 2021

In total, we recorded 35553 Olympic medals in the database altogether, which were won by a total of 26128 athletes. These represented a total of 152 countries, including those that no longer exist due to geopolitical changes in the last century.

» Web page linked with original paper published in the Journal od Maps.

To cite this article:
Vladimír Bačík (2021) Olympic medalists of the modern summer Olympic games 1896–2016, Journal of Maps, 17:1, 145-153, DOI: 10.1080/17445647.2021.1996475

This is supporting web page for a paper named "OLYMPIC MEDALISTS OF THE MODERN SUMMER OLYMPIC GAMES 1896-2016"